
for two improvisers


“Murmuration/Murmure” is a “live structure composition” for two improvisers who each interpret the other’s music. Two graphic scores, which are a visual interpretation of each improviser, are projected for the performers and the audience to see. The images of the score are created in real time from the analysis of their improvised sounds. The composer controls the “structure” of the work by manipulating “live” the graphic notation system (shapes), the flow and density of the work, which unfolds as a collaborative improvisation and a committed interpretation of musical code.

“Murmuration/Murmure” was premiered on March 2, 2019, during La Nuit Blanche, MNM Festival in Montreal, Quebec, Canada with Browne and Bouchard manipulating the Ocular Score™ and Lori Freedman with Alexandre St-Onge performers


Murmuration/Murmure,” excerpt of premiere with Lori Freedman and Alexandre St-Onge,
Festival MNM, Montreal, Québec
March 3, 2019.


“Murmuration/Murmure,” excerpt with Kyle Bruckmann and Jacob Felix Heule,
CNMAT, UC Berkeley,
April 10, 2019.

Murmuration-Murmure with Kyle Bruckmann and Jacob Felix Heule at University of the Pacific
February 2020

MURMURATION Excerpt of performance on Nov 27, 2022
Lori Freedman, bass clarinet and contrabass clarinet, Charlotte Hug, voice and viola
Video by Huei Lin.
Espace Bleu, Edifice Wilder Montreal Québec