Live Structures is a research and composition project that explores different ways to interpret data into musical notation and into compositions.
We have many tools available to analyze natural phenomena, complex sounds or even human behaviors. Data is easily accessible, but my question is: How can I interpret data into musical structures in an authentic and evocative expression of the original data source?
The Live Structures project started in October 2017, thanks to a generous “Explore and Create” grant from the Canada Council for the Arts.
Ocular Scores
Graphical Notation
Graphical notation is generated from the analysis of rich sounds and textures.
Flock to Music
Data Interpretation
Flock to Music translates data from complex natural and social phenomena into musical parameters.
Noise: The Political Economy of Music
“The presence of noise makes sense, makes meaning. It makes possible the creation of a new order on another level of organization, of a new code in another network.”